FEMADEC Express Ltd

FEMADEC Express Ltd. is a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) powered mass transportation and logistics service provision company. Registered in Nigeria in 2021 the company provides transportation services based on clean energy to the Nigerian population. The company utilizes innovative technologies to provide these sustainable services which are in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) 7, 9, and 13. 

In line with the Federal Government Agenda to increase the utilisation of cleaner fuels within Nigeria, we at FEMADEC Express Limited have actively invested in, and developed projects & schemes that align with this agenda.



Our services include Mass Transportation services that include BRT operations provision, interstate travel, hailing services and logistics & delivery services to name a few. Collectively these products, services, and systems operate in support of the Nigerian Gas Expansion Programme.


Primarily our operations are focused on auto gas powered services for mass transport. These operations key into our special interests within the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) & Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) industries in line with Government initiatives to increase the value add on natural gas.


Our primary locations of operations include:

Abuja (Federal Capital Territory)

Lagos (Lagos State)

Ibadan (Oyo State)